Brethren Love Feasts

This post is an invitation to those from the Brethren tradition to share stories of how the Brethren celebrate the Love Feast. Please feel free to share stories, resources, ideas, challenges, or blessings. I pray that we may grow in our knowledge and experience of the Love Feast, which forms us in Christian discipleship and draws us into the presence of God. I’ll post some stories later…

One response to “Brethren Love Feasts

  1. This coming Sunday evening, my little community of believers will celebrate love feast by gathering in the church basement. Only about 12 of the members will be present, unfortunately, but those who come will participate in washing each others’ feet (or hands, in the case of those unable to kneel), share a light meal of soup and bread, and close with the cup and squares of unleavened bread. The group is small enough to be quite intimate, but the setting feels a bit sterile. Given my “druthers”, I’d probably choose a different venue, but we deal with what it is.

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